Last Updated: 5 years
We have good news and bad news. Your site didn't score among the worst, but it also didn't score among the best. We've identified several areas of concern. By focusing attention on these areas of underperformance, we can make your site more attractive to visitors so it will become a more effective marketing tool. We'll help you develop a plan of action that isn't overwhelming, but is ambitious enough to garner results.

Are you ready to take the information that TITLE has shown you and use it to improve your website? Contact AGENCY NAME for a free website consultation!

Fast, but only for a short amount of time and in certain situations. This comparison to a cheetah's speed is an apt way to describe your website's speed! Some pages load lightning fast while others languish and stall or even fail. The good news is these issues are entirely fixable and even the smallest of changes can yield quick results. By targeting the troubled pages we can improve your overall website performance and boost visitor engagement.

Impressive! Your site ranks in the upper half of comparable sites for SEO effectiveness. You obviously understand the need for SEO and have taken steps to include SEO strategies on your site. But, it looks like there's room for improvement. Let's examine your current SEO efforts and compare them to SEO best practices to find out what's holding your site back from reaching that upper tier!

Oh, boy, it looks like we've got some work to do! Your site scored very low for usability, but don't worry, we can fix it. There are several areas of concern and changes in any of those areas will help improve site usability. Even the smallest of changes can have enormous impact on the web! Now that we know where the pain points are, we can use your results as a starting point to focus our efforts and turn your website around! Let's get started!

You scored very low in Social Shareability; either you are new to social sharing or you're going about it all wrong. Maybe you don't want to toot your own horn, but we're here to tell you it's totally acceptable to do so; it's even encouraged! Being social and connecting with your customers is a marketing must these days, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Small steps and targeted efforts will get you started and garner results.

"Lead capture? What's that?" Your site scored very low in the lead capture category. It's very likely that you haven't instituted lead capture efforts or what you do have on the site is buried and passed over by site visitors. Lead capture is an important part of websites today, helping to build contact lists and grow businesses. Getting started may be as simple as adding opt-in forms or fresh landing pages to your site.